Numerical Methods

The Regula Falsi Method

  Regula Falsi method (or The Method of false position) is a technique to find the roots of algebraic and transcendental equations of the form `f(x)=0` such as:

`xe^x - 1 = 0`.

Variations of this technique were found to be used by ancient Egyptians and Babylonians. In its modern form it closely resembles the Bisection method. To find the root of an equation of the form `f(x)=0`, the function `f(x)` must be continuous. Now we choose two points `x_L` and `x_H` such that `f(x_L)` and `f(x_H)` are of opposite signs. Hence a root must exist between `x_L` and `x_H`. The equation of the chord joining the points `(x_L,f(x_L))` and `(x_H,f(x_H))` is given by:


The first approximation to the root is taken to be the point of intersection of the chord with the X-axis which is obtained by putting ` y=0 ` in the above equation. Lets denote it by `x_"mid"`.

`x_"mid"=x_L - (f(x_L)(x_H-x_L))/(f(x_H)-f(x_L))`.

or,  `x_"mid"=(x_L*f(x_H)-x_H*f(x_L))/(f(x_H)-f(x_L))`.

Now, if `f(x_"mid")` and `f(x_L)` are of opposite sign then the root must lie between the new approximation `x_"mid"` and `x_L`. Hence we replace `x_H` with `x_"mid"` and obtain the next approximation in the same method we got the first approximation. Conversely, if `f(x_"mid")` and `f(x_L)` are of same sign then the root must lie between the new approximation `x_"mid"` and `x_H`. Hence we replace `x_L` with `x_"mid"` and obtain the next approximation. The process is repeated until the difference between two consecutive approximations become very small.1444


Step 1: Read `x_L, x_H and epsilon` such that `f(x_L)`is negative and `f(x_H)` is positive.

Step 2: Compute the new approximation: `x_"mid"=x_L - (f(x_L)(x_H-x_L))/(f(x_H)-f(x_L))`

Step 3: `previousX= x_"mid"`

Step 4: If `f(x_L)f(x_"mid")<0, x_H=x_"mid"`

Step 5: If `f(x_L)f(x_"mid")>0, x_L=x_"mid"`

Step 6: Compute new approximation: `x_"mid"=x_L - (f(x_L)(x_H-x_L))/(f(x_H)-f(x_L))`

Step 7: If ` |(previousX-x_"mid")/x_"mid"|>epsilon` go to Step:3

Step 8: OUTPUT :The root is approximately equal to `x_"mid"`
Step 9: Stop

Following are programs in different programming languages to find the root of the equation

`xe^x - 1 = 0`

The program in C was compiled using GNU GCC Compiler and the Fortran program was compiled using GNU Fortran (gFortran) compiler.

Program in C
!Program to find solutions to equations of the form f(x)=0 using          !
!Regula Falsi method (Method of False Position)                           !
!LANGUAGE :: C (compiler: GNU GCC)                                        !

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

double f(double y){
    return  y*exp(y)-1;
double newApprox(double yL,double yH){
    return yL-f(yL)*(yH-yL)/(f(yH)-f(yL));

int main()
    double xL,xH,diff,tolerance;
    double xMid,prevXMid;
    printf("Enter the two numbers xL and xH between which root is to be found\n");
    scanf("%lf %lf",&xL,&xH);
    printf("\nEnter the tolerance\n");
    if (f(xL)==0){
        printf("\nThe root is : %lf",xL);
        return 0;
    else if (f(xH)==0){
        printf("\nThe root is : %lf",xH);
        return 0;
    else if (f(xL)*f(xH)>0){
        printf("\nf(xH) and f(xL) must be of opposite sign");
        return 0;
    xMid = newApprox(xL,xH);
    printf("\nxL= %lf \t xH= %lf \t xMid= %lf \t f(xMid)= %lf",xL,xH,xMid,f(xMid));
        prevXMid = xMid;
        if (f(xMid)*f(xH) < 0){
                xL = xMid;
        else if ( f(xMid)*f(xL) <0 ){
                xH = xMid;
        xMid = newApprox(xL,xH);
        diff = fabs((xMid-prevXMid)/xMid);
        printf("\nxL= %lf \t xH= %lf \t xMid= %lf \t f(xMid)= %lf",xL,xH,xMid,f(xMid));
    }while(diff > tolerance);

    printf("\n\nThe solution is %lf\n",xMid);
    return 0;

/*---------------------  OUTPUT  -------------------------------------------
Enter the two numbers xL and xH between which root is to be found

Enter the tolerance

xL= 0.100000     xH= 0.900000    xMid= 0.438347          f(xMid)= -0.320500
xL= 0.438347     xH= 0.900000    xMid= 0.534792          f(xMid)= -0.087062
xL= 0.534792     xH= 0.900000    xMid= 0.559236          f(xMid)= -0.021707
xL= 0.559236     xH= 0.900000    xMid= 0.565224          f(xMid)= -0.005294
xL= 0.565224     xH= 0.900000    xMid= 0.566678          f(xMid)= -0.001284
xL= 0.566678     xH= 0.900000    xMid= 0.567031          f(xMid)= -0.000311
xL= 0.567031     xH= 0.900000    xMid= 0.567116          f(xMid)= -0.000075
xL= 0.567116     xH= 0.900000    xMid= 0.567137          f(xMid)= -0.000018
xL= 0.567137     xH= 0.900000    xMid= 0.567142          f(xMid)= -0.000004
xL= 0.567142     xH= 0.900000    xMid= 0.567143          f(xMid)= -0.000001
xL= 0.567143     xH= 0.900000    xMid= 0.567143          f(xMid)= -0.000000
xL= 0.567143     xH= 0.900000    xMid= 0.567143          f(xMid)= -0.000000
xL= 0.567143     xH= 0.900000    xMid= 0.567143          f(xMid)= -0.000000

The solution is 0.567143

Program in Fortran 95
!Program to find solutions to equations of the form f(x)=0 using                   !
!Regula Falsi method (Method of False Position)                                    !
!LANGUAGE     :: FORTRAN 95  (compiler: GNU Fortran Compiler)                      !

PROGRAM regulaFalsi


    REAL :: xL,xH,diff,tolerance
    REAL :: xMid,prevXMid
    WRITE(*,*)'Enter the two numbers xL and xH between which root is to be found'
    READ(*,*) xL,xH
    WRITE(*,*)'Enter the tolerance'
    IF (f(xL)==0) THEN
        WRITE(*,* )xL,' is the root'
    ELSEIF (f(xH)==0) THEN
        WRITE(*,*)xH,' is the root'
    ELSEIF (f(xL)*f(xH)>0) THEN
        WRITE(*,*)'f(xH) and f(xL) must be of opposite sign'
    END IF
    xMid = newApprox(xL,xH)

        prevXMid = xMid;
        IF(f(xMid)*f(xH)<0) THEN
            xL = xMid
        ELSEIF (f(xMid)*f(xL)<0) THEN
            xH = xMid
        END IF
        xMid = newApprox(xL,xH)
        WRITE(*,*) 'xL =',xL,'  ','xH =',xH,' ','xMId =',xMid
        IF (diff < tolerance) EXIT
    END DO
    WRITE(*,*)'solution is',xMid
        REAL FUNCTION f(y)
            REAL y
            f = y*exp(y)-1
        END FUNCTION f

        REAL FUNCTION newApprox(yL,yH)
            REAL yL,yH
            newApprox = yL-f(yL)*(yH-yL)/(f(yH)-f(yL))
        END FUNCTION newApprox
!------------------------  OUTPUT -------------------------------------
!     Enter the two numbers xL and xH between which root is to be found
!    0.1
!    0.9
!     Enter the tolerance
!    0.0000001
!     xL =  0.438347012       xH =  0.899999976      xMId =  0.534791470
!     xL =  0.534791470       xH =  0.899999976      xMId =  0.559236407
!     xL =  0.559236407       xH =  0.899999976      xMId =  0.565224290
!     xL =  0.565224290       xH =  0.899999976      xMId =  0.566678345
!     xL =  0.566678345       xH =  0.899999976      xMId =  0.567030668
!     xL =  0.567030668       xH =  0.899999976      xMId =  0.567116022
!     xL =  0.567116022       xH =  0.899999976      xMId =  0.567136705
!     xL =  0.567136705       xH =  0.899999976      xMId =  0.567141712
!     xL =  0.567141712       xH =  0.899999976      xMId =  0.567142904
!     xL =  0.567142904       xH =  0.899999976      xMId =  0.567143202
!     xL =  0.567143202       xH =  0.899999976      xMId =  0.567143261
!     xL =  0.567143261       xH =  0.899999976      xMId =  0.567143261
!     solution is  0.567143261

Program in Scilab
Program to find solutions to equations of the form f(x)=0 using                   
Regula Falsi method (Method of False Position)                             
LANGUAGE     :: SCILAB                     

xL = input("Enter number at which f(x) is negative: ")
xH = input("Enter number at which f(x) is positive: ")
tolerance = input("Enter the tolerance: ")
if (f(xL)==0) then
    printf("The root is  %f",xL )
elseif (f(xH)==0) then
    printf("The root is  %f",xH)
elseif (f(xL)*f(xH)>0) then
    printf("Error!!f(xH) and f(xL) must be of opposite sign")
xMid = newApprox(xL,xH)
diffr = tolerance + 1
iteration = 1
while (diffr > tolerance)
    prevXMid = xMid;
    if(f(xMid)*f(xH)<0) then
        xL = xMid
    elseif (f(xMid)*f(xL)<0) then
        xH = xMid
    xMid = newApprox(xL,xH)
    printf("Iteration %d xL= %f  xH= %f  xMid = %f\n",iteration,xL,xH,xMid)
    iteration = iteration+1
printf("\nThe root is  %f",xMid)

function z = newApprox(yL,yH)
    z = yL-f(yL)*(yH-yL)/(f(yH)-f(yL))

function x = f(y)
    x = y*exp(y)-1

===================== OUTPUT ==========================
Enter number at which f(x) is negative: 0.1

Enter number at which f(x) is positive: 0.9

Enter the tolerance: 0.0000001

Iteration 1 xL= 0.438347  xH= 0.900000  xMid = 0.534792
Iteration 2 xL= 0.534792  xH= 0.900000  xMid = 0.559236
Iteration 3 xL= 0.559236  xH= 0.900000  xMid = 0.565224
Iteration 4 xL= 0.565224  xH= 0.900000  xMid = 0.566678
Iteration 5 xL= 0.566678  xH= 0.900000  xMid = 0.567031
Iteration 6 xL= 0.567031  xH= 0.900000  xMid = 0.567116
Iteration 7 xL= 0.567116  xH= 0.900000  xMid = 0.567137
Iteration 8 xL= 0.567137  xH= 0.900000  xMid = 0.567142
Iteration 9 xL= 0.567142  xH= 0.900000  xMid = 0.567143
Iteration 10 xL= 0.567143  xH= 0.900000  xMid = 0.567143
Iteration 11 xL= 0.567143  xH= 0.900000  xMid = 0.567143
Iteration 12 xL= 0.567143  xH= 0.900000  xMid = 0.567143

The root is  0.567143